Western Mass Regional Weather for April 14, 2024

* Daily Celestials (Sun/Moon Data)
* Weekly Weather Nutshell
* Morning Discussion
* TIP: Scroll below for sections, or read all
–OUR STAR ROSE AT: 6:10am this morning
–OUR STAR WILL SET AT: 7:31pm this evening
–TOTAL DAYLIGHT TIME: 13 hours and 21 minutes

–OUR MOON WILL RISE AT: 10:12am this morning
–OUR MOON WILL SET AT: 2:33am tomorrow morning
–MOON PHASE: Waxing Crescent (36.8%)
Dave Hayes The Weather Nut is Sponsored by Individual Community Members, Patrons, and Gerard, Ghazey & Bates, P.C. GGBPC is a Northampton-based law firm regarded as the voice of pragmatic and well-reasoned estate planning, elder law and tax guidance in Western Massachusetts. The firm specializes in estate planning law, and expertly handles other matters such as Elder Law, Tax Law, as well as Real Estate purchase, sales, and refinance transactions. Contact GGBPC today to see how they can help!
–Flood Warnings continue for the CT River at Northampton and Hartford with minor flood relenting at Northampton by afternoon and Hartford by Wednesday
–We’ve got a sunny start today with temps in the 30s and 40s this morning
–A quick wave of low pressure will dive southeast out of the Great Lakes and through New England tonight
–Clouds will increase by late morning into early afternoon, with highs in the 55-60º range
–Scattered showers are expected anytime between 2-10pm
–Some showers may be on the heavier side, especially by later afternoon and evening
–A few thunderstorms will likely pass through, and a few may become strong with gusts up to 40mph and small hail
–These stronger storms would occur over the northwest half of CT and southwestern MA in Berkshire and Hampden Counties
–While a severe storm can’t be totally ruled out, I don’t expect one in our region
–Hopefully today’s rain activity doesn’t exacerbate or prolong CT River flooding, which I will monitor
–Lows dip into the low to mid 40s as we dry out late, and break up the cloud deck into the morning
–Monday will be more of a partly sunny day with some afternoon cumulus clouds and a spot shower possible, but mostly (and for many, completely) dry
–Highs rise into the low to mid 60s, and lows drop to either side of 40º, and it’ll be a bit breezy out of the northwest behind today’s whippy wave
–Tuesday is the pick of the week as high pressure builds in for a day or two, warming us up into the 60s under mostly sunny skies, with lows again either side of 40º
–Wednesday looks partly sunny early, trending to mostly cloudy by afternoon with highs in the low to mid 60s
–A few showers are possible late in the day or at night
–Thursday through Sunday represents the potential for unsettled weather
–Trying to parse out individual disturbances is senseless at the moment
–However, I’m hoping that high pressure to our northeast will suppress a showery system for Wednesday night into Thursday and keep it at bay
–The next distinct system I can see is for the weekend, which could be a substantial rainmaker, but it’s all many days away
–There’s a glimmery fool’s hope for a much drier week following, so stay tuned for updates
Good morning folks, the Nutshell has you covered for this Sunday, but the bottom line is that we’ve got a lovely Sunday morning underway, and you wouldn’t know it was going to rain later, but Nutface McGee is here to throw rain on your parade and collect all of the rotten tomatoes hurled at me in return in order to make delicious sauce. #LemonsIntoLemonade

The potential for severe thunderstorms has slithered southwest a bit, which mostly spares our region, but a strong one can’t be ruled out later this afternoon or evening in southwest MA nad northwest CT and points southwest through NY.

2-10pm is our general time frame for shower potential, or a thunderstorms as mentioned.

Behind this evening’s system which is a compact little bowling ball and very small in size, we’ll get into a northwest flow pattern tomorrow into Wednesday.

It’ll be a bit breezy behind this system for tomorrow, and some remnant moisture help produce some clouds at times by afternoon which may drop a spot shower or two, but a partly sunny day is expected, and a mostly sunny even drier day is expected by Tuesday.

Wednesday is our transition day from partly sunny skies to a more unsettled period from Thursday to Sunday.

However, I do expect there will be some sunny breaks in there, dry periods, and showery periods, with a chance for a more rainy period over the weekend, but it’s too uncertain at this point to discuss details any further.

My fool’s hope is that a big dome of high pressure sets up the *following* week and gives us a larger stretch of dry weather so our rivers can more deeply recede, and soils drain more, because I’m seeing a lot of standing water these days.

Hope you have a great day!

>>> BE KIND <<<
“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you’ve got a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies: Goddamn it, you’ve got to be kind.”
–Kurt Vonnegut

By |2024-04-14T08:02:37-04:00April 14, 2024|Current Forecast|

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