Western Mass Regional Weather for January 28, 2023

–The southern extent of a Clipper low well north brings a few flurries or snow showers mainly north of the Rt. 2 corridor early
–Clouds should thin a bit by afternoon, with partly sunny skies developing, some areas more clouds than sun
–Some westerly gusts up to 25mph possible
–Mild temps in the upper 30s to 40s through Monday
–A few afternoon showers Sunday with another weak frontal system, breezy from the south
–Cold front moves through Monday night with a few snow showers, then colder
–Tuesday through Thursday are cold, highs 25-30º, generally fair weather, though we watch a system just south that we can’t completely rule out impacts from just yet
–Friday becomes even colder as Arctic core dips through Friday into next weekend, but before we dive into all of the weather details below, let’s check a note from our new local weekend sponsor, #CranberryHillHealingArts located in Amherst, MA.
DHTWN is sponsored by members, patrons, and Cranberry Hill Healing Arts. The turning of the seasons can be challenging, and Carolyn Walker of Cranberry Hill Healing Arts in Amherst is there for you. When you are searching for ways to be at peace, seek relaxation, and feel more energetic, let Reiki & Sound Healing guide you on your journey to wholeness. Through energy work and the gentle vibrations of singing bowls, chimes, and chanting, Carolyn crafts a safe and calming space to experience renewal. Learn more and/or book your session today by visiting her website.
Good morning everybody, I hope you’ve got something fun or enjoyable planned for your weekend as the weather generally looks pretty cooperative.

Yes, we have a couple of week systems moving through (one this morning, and mainly northern MA on northward, then another Sunday afternoon with a few scattered rain showers), but these are nuisance-y, minor waves of energy, so let’s pahty!!! :-p

For today, a Clipper low passes well north and basically brings a bunch of clouds this morning with a few snow showers or flurries mainly in SVT/SWNH, but a snow shower is possible in WMass.

Highs today reach the upper 30s to mid 40s with some partial sunshine developing in the afternoon after this system vamooses east. West winds may gust up to 25mph or so in spots.

Lows tonight with slackening wind drop into the low to mid 20s under mostly cloudy skies, and could go a bit lower if any breaks develop.

A cold front approaches the region on Sunday, and as such milder air will surge in ahead of it, producing highs well into the 40s, likely into the mid to upper 40s with clouds increasing.

By afternoon, some scattered showers are expected, and they may end as snow showers later at night as the front moves through with lows in the 25-30º range.

Temps make it to either side of 40º on Monday with a few scattered upslope mixed showers in northwest MA and SVT before temps crash down into the low to mid 20s Monday night, and won’t rise much on Tuesday as colder air settles in.

Assuming that mid-week system emerges off of the DelMarva or southern Mid-Atlantic coast and tracks flat/east, staying south of us, we would enjoy some much-wanted partly to mostly sunny skies Tuesday through Friday with cold air in place.

Highs should generally reach 25-30º Tuesday through Thursday with lows in the teens, but then Arctic hammer looks to drop Friday into next week with even colder air advecting into the region.

Still, there are no big storms in sight as we’ve excited that recent slop-stormy pattern, so we’ll see what comes next, which is basically how all of life plays out day by day… wait and see!

Have a great day, and let’s stay together (click below)!

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“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you’ve got a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies: Goddamn it, you’ve got to be kind.”
–Kurt Vonnegut

By |2023-01-28T07:55:30-05:00January 28, 2023|Current Forecast|

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