A rain-soaked Nor’easter is on the way to Western Mass

Current Conditions March 29, 2014
–A strong rainy Nor’easter is on the way to Western Mass
–Heaviest rain will fall tonight into Sunday morning, 2-4″
–Rain starts around mid-afternoon, highs in the mid 50s today
–Storm is slow to move out, with more rain Sunday into Monday
–Be aware of potential flooding

Good morning everybody, we have a strong Nor’easter on the way, but this time around, there is plenty of milder air ahead of it and with it, so only the northernmost parts of New England (draw a line from north of Rutland, to north of Concord, into northwestern Maine, on northward) will see snow, with some areas getting up to a foot of heavy wet snow. Could be power outages, and tree damage up that way this weekend.

Instead, for western Mass, we will see a soaking rain storm, and we could pick up between 2-4 inches of rain!! Hence the flood watch for central and southern New England. Big puddles on roadways, streams and small rivers could reach flood stage, so be aware of that.

New England Satellite

March 29, 2014 New England Satellite

The storm is moving up from the south towards the Mid-Atlantic coast, and will capture a plume of tropical moisture, and become a rain hose, essentially, blasting and directing all that moisture to the north and over our area, especially tonight and tomorrow morning. That’s when the heaviest of the rain will fall. The storm will be slow to move out tomorrow, and will kind of meander around to our south, bringing additional rain tomorrow through Monday, but will be less heavy than tonight, and intermittent.

A beautiful start to the day can be expected with temps up into the low to mid 50s! So get out and enjoy it! Rain will move in by mid afternoon, 3pm or so, and tonight will be a washout. We could also end Monday morning as some freezing rain, though if that happens it should be short-lived. Highs will only be in the low 40s tomorrow and Monday, so we will have a pair of raw days.

After that, Tuesday and Wednesday look nice and partly sunny into the low 50s, so there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Highs in the low to mid 50s today, lows in the mid to upper 30s

Near 100% humidity in heavy rain

Light northeast winds, gusting up to 20mph overnight.

Partly sunny to start, with rapidly increasing clouds, and rain by mid to late afternoon.

2-4 inches of rain.

Potential for up to a foot of heavy wet snow way up in the north country.

By |2014-03-29T08:07:16-04:00March 29, 2014|Current Forecast|

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